
“Longinus…. a Saint and Martyr.”

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(This way my piece when I join essay writing contest in Marinduque and lucky I won.)

We tend to be blind for us not to seek for the truth. We tend to be depth for us not hear the unpleasant words. We tend to be muted for us to be safe. Are we great pretenders?

“I am the Lord your God, you shall not have other God’s beside me.” The greatest commandment of God. But subconsciously, we do not follow it by heart. Everyone has its own misery. Others do shed tears until evil had reached their heart to the point they release their hand to the cross. While others who stay on grip and stay strong until they surpass the obstacle they once had. Why it’s so hard for us to believe in Christ? His miracles, His sacrifices, His taught, His words. Aren’t they enough? He died for us, just to be saved. Yet, we still seek for more. Witnesses? Proof? Is that what you need? How will they come to testify if they are already dead? Killed by ruthless and cruel person. Those evil person. Yes evil, the root of all undesirable things. For once can’t we get rid of it and have serenity, in order for us to realize the real purpose of life?

One of the great martyr would be Longinus. His heart was filled with chaos until blood had awaken his blinded eye. From that he was converted into faithful one. Christ guided him. He raised Him up to his darkest down fall. Now, do we need blood? Are we thirsty? Jesus is willing to give His all for us to come with Him. As a catholic and an obeying person. If only I can raise to the crowd and proclaim God’s word I will. In order for the blind people to see the truth. But I believe even in my very own little way I can be a good believer as I can. To serve, love and keep my faith to Him. Is the best way I can do in Him I trust, I surrender my all. I’ll follow the light that gave. He knows better than I do. So friends let’s hold hand, together let us be His witness once again.


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